Montana Cryogenic

1.Transient optical spectroscopy parameters: 1) Spatial Resolution: 0.6um(wavelength@550nm); 2) Time Resolution: 4 THz.

2. TR-reflectance, TR-moke.

3. Steady state reflectance.

4. Cryogenic chamber: 1)Temperature Range: 4k~350k.

5. Spectrometer(iHR550): 1) Spectral range: 150~1500 nm(1200 g/mm grating), 150 nm~40 µm(suitable gratings of other specifications).

6. Ultrafast optics characterization system: 1) pump wavelength: 650nm~900nm; 2) pump pulse width: 80 fs; 3) pump repetition frequency: 100 kHz; 4) probe wavelength: 600nm~1000nm; 5) probe repetition frequency: 100 kHz.

Attocube 2100 cryogenics

1.Magnetic Field:Type: 9/3T Dual-Axis Vector Magnetic Field.

2.Temperature Range: Variable Temperature Range: 1.7-300K.

3.Optical Equipment: 1) Objective Lens: 40x; 2) Lasers: 532 nm & 632.8 nm Continuous Laser, 400-900 nm Ultrashort Pulse Laser ( pulse width: 20-50fs, repetition rate: 100kHz, probe wavelength: supercontinuum white light ).

4.Displacement Stage: Four-Axis (x, y, z, rotation) Piezoelectric Ceramic Displacement Stage.

5.Measurement Equipment: 1) Spectrometer: Horiba iHR550 (Resolution: 300/600/1800 g/mm); 2) Detector: Free-Space Amplified Photodetectors & Free-Space Balanced Amplified Photodetectors.

6.Functional Features: 1) Micro-Area Fluorescence (PL) Spectroscopy; 2) Absorption/Reflection Spectroscopy; 3) Raman Spectroscopy; 4) Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) Spectroscopy; 5) Reflective Magnetic Circular Dichroism (RMCD); 6) Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE, both transient and steady-state).

Montana cryogenic (Integrated PL, SHG, and MOKE System)

1.Temperature Range: Variable Temperature Range: 4.2-350K  (The sweep rate:<5K/min).

2. Maximum magnetic field: 5  kOe.

3.Measurement Equipment: 1) Spectrometer: Andor Shamrock 500i (Resolution: 300/600/1800 g/mm); 2) CCD: Newton DU971P; 3)Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect Measuring Instrument.

4. Functional Features:

  1) Micro-Area Fluorescence (PL) Spectroscopy: a) laser wavelength: 405 nm & 635 nm.

  2) Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) Spectroscopy: a) laser wavelength: 1033 nm; b) laser repetition frequency: 25 MHz; c) maximum power of the laser incident on the sample: 7 mW.

  3) Raman Spectroscopy: a) laser wavelength: 632.8 nm; b) filter: 1 BPF & 3 BNF; c) As low as 20 cm^(-1).

  4) Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect(MOKE): a) single scan time: ≈0.5 s.

Glovebox – optical microscope for  sample preparation

Photo-emission electron microscopy(PEEM)

1. Spatial Resolution: <10 nm

2. Imaging Electron Energy: 0V ~ 500 eV

3. Imaging Field of View: 2 μm ~ 100 μm

4. Magnification: 267x ~ 20000x

5. Equipped with an electron deflector with magnetic coils; equipped with an electron astigmatism corrector with magnetic coils; equipped with an electron contrast aperture, as well as a three-dimensional manipulator.

6. Vacuum Level During Imaging: < 1*10⁻¹⁰ Torr

7. Sample Temperature: 110 K ~ 1800 K

8. Specially designed sample holder with 6 pin electrodes.

9. Hemisphere Electron Energy Analyzer: Energy resolution <100 meV;

10. Energy analyzer adopts electrostatic lens construction, radius ≥ 200 mm;

11. Ultra-high precision five-dimensional sample stage: XY = ± 4 mm, Z ≥ 50 mm, tilt angle = ± 2°;

12. Liquid Nitrogen Cooling Mechanism: Cooling temperature ≥ 110 K.

High power femtosecond  YAG:Yb  fiber Laser

1. Average power: >50W@250KHz

2. Beam quality: M2<1.3

3. Wavelength: 1030nm±5nm

4. Spot circularity: >85%

5. Beam divergence angle: <1 mRad

6. Directivity: <20 uRad/℃

7. Power stability: <1% RMS over 24 hours

8. Repetition frequency: 100K~1 MHz

9. Pulse width: 80 fs Output height: 125mm

Home-built NIR noncollinear optical parameter amplifier

1. Difference frequency generation between hv = 1.2 eV and supercontinum spectrum in beta-BBO with thickness 5 mm.

2. Single photon energy hv tunable from 1.2~2.4 eV.

3. Ouput pulse : a) duration: 20~50 fs; b) pulse energy: ≤500 mW.

High-power femtosecond Herriott-type bulk multipass cell

1. Herriott-type cavity with bulk Kerr medium Fused Silica (1~2 mm) with anti-reflection (AR) coated in both sides and HR coated for cavity mirrors.

2. Input laser: 1) Repetition frequency : 1 MHz; 2) Power reach to 30 W focused by convex-concave groups as mode-matching of cavity.

3. Output beam : 1) FHWM of the spectra : nearly 50 nm; 2) Pulse width: ~30 fs compressed by chirped mirrors with compensated GDD~5000fs^2.

4. Transmittance : 78~80%.

Physike Cryogenic

1.Temperature Range: 1) Variable Temperature Range: 77-420K

2. Functional Features:

   1) Transient Reflection Spectrum: a) pulse width: 80 fs; b) wavelength: 800nm; c) repetition frequency: 1 MHz.

  2) Time resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (tr-MOKE)